Preventative Care

The Healthcare Centre aims to provide a full range of preventive services.

These include immunisations, blood pressure checks, full cardiovascular risk factor assessment including cholesterol checks, random blood sugar checks, cervical screening and breast checks.

It is important for everybody to be up to date with their immunisation. The practice has a supply of adult and childhood vaccinations to assist with this.

The clinic has Hepatitis A & B vaccines and Tetanus injections for those people who are going overseas or are in ‘at risk’ professions.

Discuss immunisation requirements with your doctor to establish the right schedule for you.

Diabetes is a common condition. People with diabetes should arrange an annual review of their condition. They should ensure that they have an optometrist review and a podiatrist review on a yearly basis. They should have blood checks for long-term sugar control at least twice a year, as well as checks on kidney function.

These issues can be discussed with your doctor.

People who are 75 years or more should arrange for a comprehensive medical check-up on an annual basis. This service offers a long consultation with the doctor, and if you wish, a home visit from one of our health workers. The check up covers general medical as well as social needs, and helps people access services that may be of help to them

The Healthcare Centre may pass your details on to the local Division of General Practice in the process of running it’s preventative care programs to comply with national program requirements. If you do not wish this to happen, please notify reception, who will note this in your file